Snazzy new pip boy! Functional Vending Machines Get It Here! It would have made sense for this to be a prize won at the Nuka-Cade when spending all those tickets. Frankly I don't understand why this wasn't an option in the DLC to begin with since it fits the theme so perfectly.

Why isn't this in the base game? Nuka Cola Pip Boy Mod Get Version 1 Here! Get Version 2 Here!Ī couple of different modders put a lot of work into creating completely modified pip boys that are Nuka Cola branded, and they look amazing.

High damage output, very fast speed, and it glows in the dark - what more could you want? With that in mind, its time to download this custom Nuka Quantum machete (probably equip a hockey mask type head armor as well). If there was a Jason-type slasher in the Fallout universe, I imagine he'd have an endorsement deal with Nuka Cola. No more of this nonsense! Nuka Quantum Glowing Machete Get It Here! If you have issues with the bottle scenery causing problems, this mod just simply removes them entirely. The giant decaying bottles in particular have issues, clipping in and out of walls and getting stuck where they shouldn't. Obviously there's Nuka Cola themed everything to be found across the park, but some of the objects (as of this writing anyway) are a little buggy. That's pretty spot-on actually! Bottle Scenery Fix Get It Here! That's were intrepid modders come in, creating outfits to make you look just like the girl from the Nuka Cola billboards! With your new Barbarella-meets-cola outfit be sure to grab Piper as your companion so the femme fatale duo can go mete out some post-apocalyptic justice. While the Nuka World DLC does include some cool new Nuka-themed equipment like secret power armor, it really could have used more standard Nuka equipment. Finding The Nuka World Quest Start Location.

Once you've got your nifty new mods installed, you might also be interested in tracking down all the secrets Nuka World has hidden throughout the amusement park: Thankfully, you don't need to wait on Bethesda to fix bugs or put in cool new extras - the modding community has already done all that! Below we cover some of the best mods available to make Nuka World an even better experience.