You have more or less four deck building options and potential solutions after getting thrashed by a single card: change decks, change game plans, sideboard in answers, or just hope they don’t draw it. Put that brain power towards figuring out every possible thing that you can do to solve the problem at hand. Now I’m not saying to bottle up the negative emotions that come from losing to a Pack Rat in three minutes during your win-and-in to the top 8 of a Grand Prix what I’m saying is to leave those emotions on the sideline until your match is concluded. Once you throw that excuse out the window, you’ll get way more out of your playing, improve significantly, and find yourself ending games with a smile instead of the urge to ramble on like a lunatic. You’re not especially unlucky, and it’s as simple as that. Players need to realize that everyone faces this bad variance and their share of bad beats, and that the shuffler or booster packs ain’t out to get ya. With that variance of course comes the possibility that you’ll get land screwed, mulligan into oblivion, or get demolished by a bomb rare. Magic is such a great game because it is variance based. I am here to tell you that getting so worked up mid-match while also mentally preparing your bad beat story is incredibly detrimental to both your win rate and the amount of enjoyment that you’re getting from playing. Please get this nonsense oughta here because I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of hearing it from my opponent. “Of course they had Pack Rat turn two all three games! Oh yeah, sure, obviously you have the Treasured Find too to get it back after I killed it! Unreal, good luck in day two because your deck is so busted!”. It’s common to feel cheated or for it to seem like everything is going wrong for you. Magic is a very high stakes game at times, so it makes sense that a lot of players absolutely lose their minds when they get squashed by a bomb rare in Limited.

I’m sure that we can all recall a time where we’ve rambled on to our friend (or even opponent) after a match where you got killed both games by a Pack Rat, The Scarab God, or some other bomb rare.